Beginning My Journey as A Startup Writer
Embarking on the journey of exploring and writing about startups in Africa and how government policies affect them, as well as their interaction with the economy, is akin to stepping into uncharted territory. The excitement of delving into the startup ecosystem is palpable, yet there are a lot of challenges that come with it.
The Spark of Passion
As I set out on this writing venture, the initial spark was fuelled by my fascination with the innovative spirit running through African startups. Every success story showed resilience and determination, prompting me to amplify the narratives and contribute to the discourse surrounding the continent's startup ecosystem.
Simultaneously, my journey for writing jobs and gigs began, and this on its own is a dynamic journey. Crafting pitches, sending emails, and networking has become the daily routine. Overtime, my inbox has turned into a sort of battlefield of hopes and uncertainties, each response or silence has also been an emotional rollercoaster. The challenge is not even exploring the African startup ecosystem, but the balance I have to find in both ventures. The passion for the subject and the pursuit of writing opportunities demand a finely tuned equilibrium.
Crafting a pitch in my circumstance has become a sort of art, and that is because I have to showcase some sort of expertise and convey an authentic enthusiasm for the topic. Each rejection I’ve received has felt like a setback, but even as a web developer I had hundreds of rejections, but with each of them came valuable lessons, a refinement of the pitch, and a step closer to a “Yes”.
In the face of all these uncertainties, persistence, has been my watch word. The setbacks and rejections, rather than discourage me, they have fuelled a resilient spirit. I’ve come to realize that the challenges are as much a part of the journey as the triumphs. Each rejection a lesson, each pitch a chance to refine, and each day an opportunity to contribute to the narrative of Africa’s dynamic startup ecosystem.
So, here I am, navigating the unknown, embracing the struggles, reading and researching, discussing with as many people as I can, and crafting my path one word at a time. This is not just a writing endeavour for me, but a testament to the resilience of African startups, and I’m honoured to lend my voice to the narrative.
You can offer a few claps of encouragement for a Startup Writer, I’d really appreciate that.